Breaking Point
You spit on my floor,
But I shall forgive.
You spit in my face,
But I turn my cheek.
You spit on my soul,
But I don’t react.
You spit on my mind,
But I shall still dream.
You spit on my heart,
But I walk away.
You spit on my friend;
For this, you shall pay.
Stephen Gospage
Tue 20th Dec 2022 21:34
Julie, Stephen, Rudyard, Brenda, K Lynn, John, Hélène and Holden
Thank you Keith, Flyntland and Uilleam. Sometimes we can shrug off slights and insults as not being worth a response, but it can be a different matter when a friend (especially a vulnerable one) comes in for this treatment.
And thanks to Julie, Stephen, Rudyard, Brenda, K Lynn, John, Hélène and Holden for your support.