Plea to the Warriors
If you cry out loud that you favour peace,
A lot of people look at you and smile
And mark you as naïve and pat your head.
Yet surely peace should be the normal way;
Backers of war should justify their stance,
The four-star pundits, dealing arms of death,
Indoctrinating young (and mostly) men
To jump to commands and to kill each other
And all who block their path. The road to peace
Is to disobey, refuse the madness,
And not to blindly murder for a state.
There can be no war without warriors,
Just a helpless residue of old sweats.
Put down your weapons; come over to peace.
Stephen Gospage
Thu 29th Dec 2022 14:44
Thanks, Uilleam. Yes, indeed it is.
And my thanks to Frederick, John, Hugh, Rudyard and Holden for liking this poem.