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This is the Body I Love (a year of terror 2022)

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This is the body I love

And I can change it


You take food from it

Let it shiver in winter

Make it wait 9 hours in an ambulance

As it withers away


This is the body I love

But you have changed it


It waits in a

bomb shelter

and screams

don’t kill me


It gasps for breath

In a frozen sea

Please don’t

Drown me


This is the body I love

But you have changed it


This is the body I love

And I can save it


Vote you out of power

Take to streets

Pour bombs over Russia

Let the refugees arrive in luxury liners

Served by the rich on bended knees


This is the body I love

And I have regained it



◄ Terry Hall

King Charles is more Important than You ►


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David R Mellor

Tue 3rd Jan 2023 18:38

Thank you stephen and best wishes for the new year

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Stephen Gospage

Sat 31st Dec 2022 14:27

A very powerful poem, David.

Best wishes.

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