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The Deep Secret

she was talking in undertone

like the old hermits of the

Buddhist Monastery


not to prove any algorithm

or to put forward hypothesis

of social revolution


she was there with her

gentle smile and her bare arms

moving like gentle breeze


not like the smiling  bureaucrats

shaking the cold hands

before the secret deals


she was looking around

along the time scale of eternity

like the twinkling stars


from the distant galaxies

around the summer nights;

serene, poised like the Pacific


her looks were quite different

from the performers

playing with the power


behind the closed doors

after the success of

summit meetings here and there


she was there engrossed in

deep collaboration with

the forthcoming embryos


like the painter over her canvas

playing with all the colours

to make one of her own


one without any blood spot

one without any inflicted pain

one without any human grief







worldreal lifesadnesshopedreams

◄ Waiting For The Last Ritual

The Deceiver ►


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