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Deep, Dark and mysterious

The Ocean hides things noun can see

Like the minds of children

Which is a further mystery

The ocean hides mosters noun can find

Like the child inside of me

Screaming with no air to find

Then its lifted 

To the light coral 

As I hear laughter 

And no longer think of thoughs scary things

But as beautiful as it is 

The coral is sharp

Like the blade of the knife

I struggled with for so long

The waves are strong

As they push me under 

Where I ponder and cry

My mind like the ocean is deep

And a sad place to venture 

Where small things become big

And bubbles seem to cease

While the air in my lungs become tight

And above me there is barly any light

I'm cold and lonely 

Misunderstood and forgotten

Until I'm sweeped to the beach

Where I'll find light 

And each tought disappers

And I'm left plan and new

To discover things other than the mysterys of the deep, dark, blue


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