Knock once for yes
She lays still hardly daring to breath in the dust
She has her baby boy on her chest
She and he are under a wardrobe
She has no sense of time in the dark
She has nothing to eat or drink
She tries her own breast milk
She feeds her baby boy every time he cries
She had tried crying out but there is no one there to hear
Until she hears muffled distant words and drills overhead
She later hears dogs barking
She hears the sounds of voices getting closer
She hears, are you O.K.? knock once for yes
She has been found
She sees torchlight in her face
She is O.K.
She is saved
She is reunited with her other son and husband
She is blessed
keith jeffries
Wed 22nd Mar 2023 17:06
A meaningful poem which well describes the plight of those caught in these terrible earthquakes. Thank you for this.