I met my lowest moment and became one with the darkest parts of me.
I was fragile, weak, broken beyond repair.
Life was an annoyance and breathing was just a chore.
It felt as if I couldn’t fathom such pain any longer until I came face to face with skies of blue-
Once again a reminder that hope lives.
I do believe it to be found in the daring colors of the sunset, the subtle whispers among trees-
Each morning and evening I dwell on the beauty of these two things, they comfort me.
The snow would fall only to melt away the following morning, it felt like an early spring was
gifted to me. I often took walks before dinner to clear the fog from my head, I can’t remember
the last time I ventured out into the January gloom willingly, so far the winter has been kind to
Everything is the same as it once was, for once it was I who had changed, as the snow
continues to melt away so does my worry. Could it possibly be the strife has finally ended? Or has my hopeful wit run ahead of my better judgment again?