The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 13 days, 9 hours. Get details and Enter.

Moments in nature

I see my sisters.

Pebbles and earth. 

A river, I hear.

Birds above flying high up in the trees. 

I taste nature, the woodland. 

I touch the earth. 

I play. 

I imagine this place is still the same as it was back then. 

I remember the fun, the freedom, the safety of my family. 

Everything is perfect, just as it is.

Wearing my red and white strawberry patterned dress. 


◄ No victory


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Emer Ni Chorra

Tue 7th Mar 2023 21:19

Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this one, Keith. Interesting perception.

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keith jeffries

Tue 7th Mar 2023 20:58

This is a poem which I would call a cameo as it says only a fraction of what lies behind it. It also has an enervating style. It paints a timeless picture on an old canvas
Thank you for this

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