Casting stones
"....sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven."
Every day a day closer to death
I wave that away with a pretended
Insouciance that does not convince
Me! Anyway, away with the dullness
And in with the sheen of a smile
At all the flummoxing frummery
of the pompous politicians &
Well paid charity workers
Storming through Haiti
In their 4*4s with not an ounce
Of true charity in their self-regarding
I never saw a wild thing sorry for itself
And poetry interrogates me every day
And at night, flat out & frightened,
I speak the old words of the Lord's prayer
While I'm still there to listen.
Pale horses fill my dreams
Redemption and Revelation
Shiver in these end times
I can find a rhyme anywhere
Now I am making all things new
To entertain you for a minute or two.
There is an open door nobody can shut
And we will all pass through it
And he will wipe every tear away.