Where have the previous thirteen years ran to?
That day when my wife and I tended our first born
is now some thirteen years away,
where is it those thirteen years are now hiding?
Our Son Wyatt be as tall as a ships mast,
and by knowing his empath, his mast boasts full
sail of seas where only a need for sleep can
interrupt his adventure, his beautiful smile.
It is his Birthday and he is at ease with
passage into his teenage years – his parents fear,
‘one would swear he has fore-knowledge
of how best to tease parents and be a proverbial…………’
Even next doors cat seems wide eyed and alarmed
at that new calmly set glint,
a glint many a fair maiden would declare – handsome and,
My wife and I are worried,
how is it he be as tall as ships and just as bold as the Warrior of Rainbows?
And there be a tip, - his father and mother be proud for -
he concerns himself with a need for environment
and ecology – ‘such concern his very own intellectual compassion!’
Thirteen years ago Ma lay exhausted -
checking his every small of fingers and every small of toes,
with tears upon a benevolent smile her day, our day,
our life and love – held within the spark that is
the gift of life; the complement we give to one another
and universe; beyond an event - many take for granted.
‘together – our first, born!’
Now he sits devouring a Chinese treat of sweet and sour -
fried seaweed, rice – ribs, chicken, curry and more,
and way too cool for me to bargain with,
I was never such glint of eye.
I am as his father – amazed.
I am as his father – amazed,
I am as his father shining at the moon and stars and, amazed,
and with Ma and sister too;-
proud, and with love, with Wyatt!
Happy Birthday Wyatt.
Mum Dad Sis and Bro too.
Robinson Family 29th Avril 2023