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I've been at the hospital for a few days supporting my mother and her husband who's still in intensive care, so only got a few seconds really to post anything.

Sonnet 586 - Saturday 12 April 2008

And so another day draws to its end

With all of us still here, or so it seems,

Because we only know family and friends

Survived to face another night of dreams.

We don’t see or care about awkward themes

Like strangers whose time came some time today,

Except in hospital wards where bright beams

Of unforgiving light show all that they

Can do is not enough. Though patients stay

Longer than in the old days, nurses send

The beds on wheels up corridors; no screams

From onlookers; doors closed - please look away.

Gods’ laps remain decisive. Still, pretend

That we have a say, fine medical teams.

◄ Sonnet 583

Gord's Army ►


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Richard Brooks

Mon 14th Apr 2008 19:54

very deep poem. Its the worst thing to deal with when family are in the hospital, its the only place we want to be because we want to be there for them yet at the same time its the last place we want to be. Best wishes

<Deleted User> (4281)

Mon 14th Apr 2008 07:28

Hello, Antonio

I am sorry that you have a family health issues. You have captured the very essence of the hospital scenarios in your Sonnet.
I hope your loved ones will be fine. I understand that health is the most important in life. This is what I found always very stressful when someone gets ill. You wrote this in a very peaceful manner. The Sonnet is great!

Wish for your parents the best of health.

Kind Regards,

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