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The solitary rose of your breath

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Angels alight, a slight, feathery goodnight kiss,
behind her eyes her guardian angel sighs.
Listen! to the whisperer behind the song,
misfortune exorcised by fluttering fugues
that sing a song in a minor key,
a longing to be whole and free.
On this seafront there is a stone,
where, in the creamy moonlight of romance,
men and women pledge and dance,
under our lady moon.
It is a place where ghosts abide
owls screech their ageless, endless cries
to a high, star-cluttered sky.
Yes! it is a place where all our dreams come true,
moonstruck eyes and derring-do,
as we flee into the turbulent sea,
echoing that old, old story,
whispered to us soundlessly,
enriched by such and such
wild sprigs of poetry,
we travel to that land of lost content,
before the veil of the temple
was rent in two,
before the holy of holies.
was made a-new.



◄ Frank

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John Marks

Mon 5th Jun 2023 23:48

Thank you Stephen, Clare, Kevin, Uilleam and John. Yes you identified the painting correctly Uilleam. Pre- Raphaelite, an unconscious inspiration for the poem. "Fear of the open and of the naked. Hide reality, shut out nature. The revolutionary art movement of Charles's day was of course the Pre-Raphaelite. They, at least, were making an attempt to admit nature and sexuality."
John Fowles, The French Lieutenant's Woman.

Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Mon 5th Jun 2023 07:16

Thanks John.
"The Soul of the Rose", by John William Waterhouse if I'm not mistaken?
A beautiful piece.

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