Hanging on his coat-tails like a well-trained puppy dog
Were you and Nigel Adams and, of course, that prat Rees-Mogg
Had you let his pudgy fingers in your Tory pants?
While Adams is no more than a self-serving sycophant.
Nadine, honey it’s not you
Oh, Nadine and Nigel Adams too
Seemed like every time I saw you, you were
Noseing Johnson’s pooper flue.
Perhaps you let young Johnson cop a feel inside your bras
But Rishi’s had the last laugh and he’s stabbed you up the arse;
You thought you’d got a peerage, you deserved no less reward
But Sunak’s “blocked your passage” good and proper to the Lords.
Nadine, honey it’s not you
"Dame" Nadine, he didn’t let it through
Seemed like every time I saw you, you were
Noseing Johnson’s pooper flue.
John Coopey
Thu 15th Jun 2023 10:35
Thanks for your thoughts, Uilleam and for the Likes, Keith, Stephen A, Stephen G and John.