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Day of Days

Facebook throws up lots of memories and without them I would have forgotten about this little poem. I wrote it to mark the one hundredth anniversary of the first day of the Battle of the Somme on which there were 60,000 casualties. Another seven years have passed. Lest we forget..

Day of Days

I hear a whisper rising, on this day of days.
"Remember me", they’re calling, from times so far away,
A ghostly army pleading, khaki dulled to grey.

A million voices cry, 
“We were you, with life and hope ahead.
Do not forget how much we gave, though we are so long dead."

I hear your words so clearly, ringing down the years
And speak this promise loud, amid my veil of tears.

I shall remember what you were, before the whistles blew
And through the endless years ahead, I will abide with you.


◄ For Elizabeth


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Philippa Atkin

Mon 3rd Jul 2023 17:03

Thank you Stephen!

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Stephen Gospage

Mon 3rd Jul 2023 17:01

I am so glad you found this, Philippa. It is beautiful and moving. We should never forget.

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