Life is full of swings and roundabouts..
Our earthly pilgrimage is a kaleidoscopic adventure.
In and out of love we are foiled by temptation.
War and peace are juxtaposed.
The young and the good do die young.
The evil simply soldier on.
What is constant continually eludes us.
The ignorant and the learned play together.
Sadness and joy exist side by side.
Abuse is rampant in all walks of life.
Politicians and rulers lead us to our doom.
The Church has betrayed its Saviour.
The compassionate have been marginalised.
The rain falls on the just and unjust in equal measure.
Kingdoms of plenty see famine from their castles.
We are surrounded by a natural beauty,
but fail to see or appreciate it.
Some are born into wealth.
Others into poverty and abject misery.
It depends on where on the globe you hail from.
Natural disasters destroy innocent lives and their homes.
Our hearts break or we become resilient.
Woke or smoke who would like a joint?
The universe observes us as we squabble like children.
New fashions arrive everyday to deceive us.
God exists but many refuse to acknowledge Him.
A monster lurks in everyone of us.
keith jeffries
Sat 8th Jul 2023 19:52
Thank you to all those who 'liked' this poem. It is an unusual poem and enigmatic, as any attempt to ponder on the world and life in general seems to lead nowhere.
Thank you Uilleam for your worthy comment. The final line of your comment took me to the words of Christ when he said that 'we' will come and make our home with you. I think it is in John's gospel. So the monster is not alone, possibly dormant as God is within us also, if invited.
Thank you all,