Quotes on knowledge
1. Knowledge that doesn't connect you to your creator is not knowledge but deception.
2. If the education system fails to give you right direction and the knowledge of your creator then such a system should be changed.
3. Education that gives you the true purpose of life is the best education.
4. Supreme knowledge is knowing your creator and purpose of life.
5. Even after attaining the world-class education you're unable to attain the closeness of God then you've achieved nothing but degrees and certificates.
6. The only purpose of education should be to educate the child about the true purpose of life and right knowledge of our one true God almighty.
7. Knowledge that doesn't connect you to your creator is nothing but ignorance and darkness.
8. You'll never be able to attain the light of knowledge untill you strive hard to know the truth about life and our creator.
9. Ignorance is darkness and darkness leads you to hellfire.
10. The path of knowledge is easy for those who are seeking true essence and purpose of life.
11. Ignorance is nothing but death of our soul.
12. We corrupt our heart, mind and soul by following corrupt practices and wrong knowledge.
13. Educating our children about science and religion should be the aim of education.
14. Science only explores the facts of nature and puts it into words. Religion helps us to use the knowledge of scientific facts to understand the power of our creator.
15. Knowledge is light and ignorance is darkness therefore always choose the light to destroy the darkness of ignorance.
16. Our pursuits of life should be in accordance with the divine pursuits.
By: Ghazala Lari
Ghazala lari
Fri 1st Dec 2023 09:02
Thanks U.O.C👍