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I’ll never part with my pasta jar

though one day the draining board rack

I will have to. They’re not family heirlooms

but Woolworths relics, I got them

with a voucher - to think there was ever

such a thing. The circular mirror

with its silver frame I bought for my bedsit room

in Aberystwyth has long gone,

and the little glass jug I used 

as a watering can. There may be some 

blank tapes at the bottom of the piano stool

from 1997 or 8, my picture frames

and album must have come from there.

Many times I have stood in Boots

trying to print out a photo in the place 

where I once sat sipping Coca-cola

from a cardboard cup, a treat at the end

of a long shopping trip. Was it 

on Gosforth High Street

where old ladies had their hair dried

by huge red helmets, or is that 

a memory of another store?        


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Peter Donnelly

Sun 30th Jul 2023 09:51

Thank you Greg.

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Greg Freeman

Sat 29th Jul 2023 22:53

Brilliant, Peter. A good poem is built out of details, and this one is full of them.

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