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After several years in exile during which time I have published my book "Shakespeare's Qaballah" in 2022 and an anthology of poetry ("Parthenogenesis") I am returning to Write Out Loud with a weekly blog highlighting my Wordpress Website ( where there are over 200 articles on a variety of subjects including:

Not Without Mustard (Screenplay Submission)
As part of promoting my recently published book “Shakespeare’s Qaballah” about “The Shakespeare Authorship Controversy” I have been engaged over the past twelve months in working on a screenplay entitled “Not Without Mustard” or “The True, Lamentable Tragedy of Edward de Vere”. The screenplay is intended to resonate alongside Shakespeare’s text and the life and loves of Edward de Vere, the 17th Earl of Oxford who I suggest was the real author of William Shakespeare’s 1623 Folio of Plays. More information on my views about Shakespeare Authorship is available on my website There are currently two major academic institutions which have similar views to mine they are; the Shakespeare Oxford Fellowship and The De Vere Society, both of which are available on the internet. After completion of the screenplay I took the liberty of submitting it to BBC Open Screenplay Submissions early this year, unfortunately it was rejected and I turned to other independent promoters such as Film Freeway but they were too expensive and I decided that the best way to proceed was to submit the screenplay to New Works Playhouse in that way the costs would be met by a production company if my application was successful. I have scheduled completion of the film for sometime in 2023, which is the 400th Anniversary of the publication of William Shakespeare’s Folio (1623). I received an acknowledgement from New Works Playhouse but the follow up response was negative. I intend to continue submitting the screenplay for film, stage or audio drama to someone every month, persistence pays off. Submissions are ongoing with a recent one to Page Turner. I am posting a sample text of Act One (with seven scenes) to several Producers, Directors and Independent Film-Makers on Facebook Groups in the hope that someone would be interested enough in helping to Produce, Direct and Act in this film or drama. In my own professional career I have worked as an Artist/Designer, writer and performance poet and in the latter part of my career I used to work in Set Design for film and photographic companies in Manchester, United Kingdom; so my experience of making a film is rather limited consequently I am also looking for any feedback, advice or guidance you can give about the best way to proceed. As yet I have not submitted the screenplay to any other promoter, producer, director or fund-raising company. Anyone wishing to contact me can leave their email details on Messenger and I can forward my own email address for any further follow-ups or enquiries.


Shakespeare's QaballahShakespeare Authorship QuestionWho Was William Shakespeare?

“Shakespeare On Deformity” ►


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