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If Love Were Simple

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If LOVE were simple then, for sure

We'd know the blessings it truly bestows:

We'd rid our life of sad refrains, begot of earthly woes;

Our wholesome love remaining ever pure.


When virtue lies in every thought and deed,

Or promise of a future time be met.

Then likewise your sweet kisses or your warm embrace

Would seal the bargain and, God speed,

There would be no cause for some sad regret.

For, as the seasons and the tides may turn,

Then our two souls would re-unite and face

The passions that in time do burn or lead astray

Like fortune's grace, so pied, go contraire on each day,

As winsome and capricious as you please.


If FAITH were ample in our mind and heart

As harvest baskets in the fall, so

Our dear souls then ne'er would part,

And happiness and joy would reign supreme.


Then our sweet lips would meet and trembling taste

Just once the pleasure on our wedding day,

Before those gathered so expectant round the kirk.

So bountiful, so full of worth, no more the days to waste

In restless hours spent seeking fleeting pleasure.

Then, surely bliss and joy would come our way?

Great store we'd place in our small treasure,

Not so beguiled by worldly stealth to idly lurk,

For, as they say with mirth in measure;

- "True marriages are made in heaven, not on Earth".



If HOPE were constant as the day, that

Shines most glorious as the Sun at noon,

Then our soft, spoken vows in time reflect

As does the gentle radiance of the Moon.


Love PoetryLoveHopeFaith

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