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Meditations on Love

The Call to Love

Every day suffering comes knocking at my door

and I am called to love.

I worry and I fret and my body shakes with fear,

and I am called to love.

I scour the book shelves looking for words of solace,

and love keeps jumping off the pages.

Oh, how the world and all its beings yearn to be free of suffering,

but clearly it is not to be.

If there is an answer hiding behind the clouds

it has something to do with love.

I strive to listen to the call--

the call to love.


When Love Arrives

Love arrived at my door

and wrapped me in a blanket of peace.

Gone were the worries and fears and trepidations,

Love pieced together the shattered remnants

of my heart

and spread sweet-smelling rose petals to soothe my tired feet.

I fall to the ground in adoration

and sing songs of awe to Love,

the long-awaited arrival of Love,

there is no place I need to go but here,

into the arms of Love.



I fell into the arms of Love

and everything fell into perfect place

like pieces of a puzzle creating a beautiful picture upon completion.

All was released,

all was forgiven,

flowers blossomed in arrays of color and the sun beamed soft warmth across the land. 

All the creatures of the earth--dogs and cats and insects and birds and horses and cows--all of them, started singing songs of Love, 

each in their own language,

all understood.

It was as if a door opened and a new reality descended into our happy leaping hearts.

All of the people fell into the arms of Love

and all our dreams came true.




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Sometimes Life Is Funny, Isn't It? ►


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Manish Singh Rajput

Thu 28th Sep 2023 17:49

A lovely poem, Hélèna!

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