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15 Minutes



Through the air yet another missile flies.

And every 15 minutes another child dies.

That heart breaking stat, it sickens me so.

With every strike the death toll will grow.

Children forced to drink water from the sea.

This is not humane, so how can be this be.

A peaceful, free life is every child’s right.

No children should suffer in conflict or fight.

And those who survive, will never be the same.

Mankind should hang its head in shame.

In the 60 minutes it took to compose this rhyme.

4 more precious children have died in that time.


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Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Tue 7th Nov 2023 11:57

Sorry I missed your posts-I'm trying to catch up on comments
Those last two lines put events in a horrifying perspective Mike.
But who cares as long as the bomb and bullet makers continue to profit. Pesky peace demonstrators eh, who needs em!

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Mike Bartram

Mon 30th Oct 2023 16:32

Thank you Stephen

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Stephen Gospage

Sun 29th Oct 2023 07:56

A fine poem, Mike. Children are the innocent victims of all wars.

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