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Bonfire Night

entry picture


Bonfire blaze

Misty Moon

Wilting rose

Pink balloon

Children’s laughter

Parent’s glee

Cold hereafter

“What’s for tea?”


I’ve got pizza

And some wine

In the freezer...

Sounds sublime.

Or there’s fish

At suppertime?

So just one wish

Before you climb


The wooden hill

To paradise

Where you might fill

Your hearts’ delight

And languish still

In timeless awe

Both day and night.

The night before


November’s plot

Seems awfully quiet

And were it not

We’d never try it

Nor disrupt the sky

With storm and fire

To please our eye?

This funeral pyre.

The Month of November
The latest in my series of articles entitled "A Rural Calendar" which month by month explores the significance of customs and traditions practised by the inhabitants of the British Isles in the past.

The Prelude to the Gunpowder Treason. The Discovery & Interception of the Gunpowder Plot of 1605. A rundown of the circumstances and events, the leading characters involved and the eventual but remarkable outcome of the Guy Fawkes Conspiracy.

The Discovery & Interception of the Gunpowder Plot of 1605. A rundown of the circumstances and events, the leading characters involved and the eventual but remarkable outcome of the Guy Fawkes Conspiracy.


Bonfire NightGunpowder PlotGuy FawkesRobert CatesbyWho Was William Shakespeare?

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