The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

The Teatime Bulletin

entry picture

It’s early evening and the TV is on.

You lay the table and children scream,

the frayed ends of day unravelling.


Through a jumble of bricks and cars

you enter the room with plates,

where sounds of appetite assail you;


while relayed at a distance

there’s news of war, its violence

annulling simple-minded schemes.


In a sealed-off quarter of a dusty city

bodies lie where heat is hazing –

a postcard prospect with trees


and benches, a straggle of shops

that frames the square, its dry air

cracks to a dull staccato


as hours away in that glimmering

focus events wash like waves

along a brittle shore.


The faces there are representative,

their features blurred to a cipher, and the dead

rot, unclaimed, slumped in a final statement.



◄ Bruegel

The Way We Were ►


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keith jeffries

Sat 4th Nov 2023 15:10

A magnificent poem which is a portrait of the events we now witness daily on our TV screens. A poem carefully crafted to remind us of life and its vicissitudes. Thank you for this.

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