Greedy Hearts
I am no product of love,
I have never been treated as one.
I am the product of greed,
The punishment of my creators' sin.
I am no reminder of their love,
I serve only as a reminder of their greed.
Greedy for more love,
When their own had run out.
I am a desperate attempt at filling their
Empty hearts once again.
My own scratched empty,
Theirs only half filled.
Not one single heart,
Filled and whole.
'Home is where the heart is'
Then what about the heartless?
Am I doomed to stalk the streets,
Cold and lonely,
A ghost story.
Not even the thrumming of a heart
To keep me company?
I dare not seek to fill
My heart with love,
For fear of my face changing,
My body morphing,
Into a combination of my creators'.
Ignoring all the while,
The mirror at my side.