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An Eyelash Breadth Between Us

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Lit monochrome by the moon
we dance across silver sands
The waves scrawl
like these scribbled lines
written by my yearning hand

All this turbulent energy
flung into the swirling air
Conducted by my pulsing heart
This fool, who thinks he has control
of all you do to me

A wanton wind whips up the spray
and all I want to do
is turn the beat inside my chest into
sentences shot through
with this fervent ache for you

Then you gather up your skirt
twist the water from that hem
pull it over those bare shoulders
letting it dampen your cheek

An eyelash breadth between us
holds for a moment
as we drink each other in
then the circuit quickly closes

And as we kiss
the lighthouse bulb explodes
the scattered sparks singe the clouds above
A swollen tongue of sea rushes the cliffs
spills its spit across parched earth
O, and I can’t breathe
as this unquiet longing
swells its flame inside of me
The earth moves
on these midnight dunes

This unquiet longing
has me completely
You have me





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Fri 17th Nov 2023 10:19

Thanks Stephen, glad you enjoyed this little daydream.

Thanks also Nigel, Aisha & Frederick for reading and the 'like's 😃

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Stephen Gospage

Thu 16th Nov 2023 17:44

Strong stuff, Tom, with some wonderful images e.g. 'the swollen tongue of sea...'. An exciting read, whatever one's age!

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