Suellanelle (or The Erati Writes Back)
You dismiss us as the tofu eating wokerati,
the triple cooked, brioche bun, bake off obsessives,
and all-seeing blobby illuminati.
Make out we are the economic establishment glitterati,
who obstruct brave striver neo-conservatives,
the dangerous tofu eating wokerati.
But we the challenge; and alerted chatterati,
and the latte drinking buttermilk progressives
stand proud as the lefty woke illuminati.
Time you gave us truth and proper parties,
less second jobs and offshore tax incentives,
that’s our demand as the tofu eating wokerati.
The real spice of life comes in 57 varieties,
being one size is for the vile and offensive,
and not in our name, the rainbow illuminati.
You keep fixated on the batshit and petty,
so, the ballot box flushes out your defectives,
and we the tofu eating wokerati
will be your nightmare all-singing illuminati.
Greg Freeman
Sat 18th Nov 2023 16:22
A fine riposte, John. A villanelle aimed at a true villain.