Daddy Did
When all of you have grown into adults from a kid,
I wonder if you'd remember all the things that daddy did?
Will you remember the love,
Will you remember the pub,
Will you remember the cartwheels across the floor,
Will you remember mumma greeting him at the door.
He hopes you will hold him and still in high regard,
As he used to hold you all in the cold and the dark,
Will you remember little things like his long soaks in the bath,
Remembering the times he would make mumma laugh,
All the times he would act silly and daft,
As much as you can, think of him smiling,
Remember he was never afraid for you to see him crying,
In times of frightening lighting he was your beacon, your siren.
Say goodbye with joy when the time comes,
And Remember how much he loved you and mum.