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Queen of The Wooded Grove


Sunlight peeks from the horizon to the hill

Upon which I sit watching the creatures below

Their constant passing appears quite unreal

I watch and wonder where it is they all go


The solitude absorbs me here on this knoll

As I wait, longing for just one mortal glance

At the radiant woodland queen upon her stroll

Through sheltered trees and flowers of romance


I glimpse her slender fingers posed to wave

And I feel my quivering heart hold for a beat

My peasant eyes blink to capture and save

The rarity of observing anything so sweet


Her eyes shine from skin so porcelain fine

With outstretched hand moving with grace

Our fingers smoothly slide together, intertwined

This must surely be the elfin magic of this place


We sit upon this now sacred emerald hill

Listening to the silence that speaks softly

In my mind there’s a mystical vision I see still

Of an elfin goddess, sitting by a soul such as me


I know not the alure, what curiosity she sees

In this ragged pauper with his wandering way

I am simply who I am with nothing more to decree

But with a single ask, my languid heart would stay


Her ethereal countenance should be set elsewhere

Looking longingly at some prince or refined nobility

Not peering at a creature that’s ventured from his lair

With wild eyes and wistful heart and dreams of “I can”


But the truth he knows, no matter how much it’s denied

She’s the elusive beauty to behold but never to be held

He the dreaming wanderer who seeks but cannot find

Their hearts were destined to meet but unfairly quelled


Their time spent together watching the sun rise on the hill

And words shared in the sweet fragrance of a gentle wind

Blows sour now as it pushes hard against a wanton will

The queen recedes like a shadow moving through the bend


The wanderer is powerless to refuse the calling of the road

His feet are moving away from her with a heavy heart in tow

But his love he carries with him, like regret he suffers the load

For he so loved the woodland goddess, but she will never know.


◄ Warlord

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Manish Singh Rajput

Sun 26th Nov 2023 17:17

A beautiful story exquisitely weaved into a poem. I enjoyed this one a lot, Tim.
Thank you.

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