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The Door

I think I left the door open -

At the back of my brain

And you got in there

and stole what’s mine. 

Implanted thoughts of you

in every small Corner and Crevice,

Burrowed your way into my subconscious

Until I could never forget you. 


I think you slammed it on your way out -

One last defiance,

One final fuck you,

Jammed it shut so no 

One could enter again -

and part of you will

Never come out. 


Padlocked the door, nailed the frame

Warped my walls and besmirched my name

But yours? 


I will never forget. 


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Tim Higbee

Mon 27th Nov 2023 13:51

Hi Kate, you have sketched a vivid character and scene. Excellent.

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