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A Dense Fog

A Dense Fog


A dense fog pervades the atmosphere,

obscurring any sight of the nearby volcano.

Yet it's presence could be felt,

as the earth trembled with sulphur and cordite

 in the fetid air.

I could hear the sound of the nearby ocean,

a valve through which escape was possible.

The land was dark and foreboding,

no canopy of stars could be seen.

I stood alone fearful,

not knowing what to expect.

News from afar spoke of wars and rumours of wars,

of earthquakes, famines and celestial turbulence.

In the distance I could hear the cries of the innocent,

the wailing of those who grieved.

Bombers flew overhead,

their payload destined for some other urban place,

Drones skittered not far from where I stood.

The land beneath my feet was ravaged,

by mans inhumanity to man.

Occasionally the fog broke,

to reveal a ruined city, lifeless.

I did not want to remain there

but I could not retrace my steps.

 The fog swirled about as a gaseous frenzy,

voices beckoned to me in Arabic.

I felt my way toward them and felt a kind and gentle hand,

it drew me into a fellowship of suffering and warmth.

My fear abated as a fragment of hope arrived

A voice said, 'Peace be with you'.


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keith jeffries

Thu 30th Nov 2023 16:09

Thank you to all who liked and commented on this poem. It is something we witness on our screens daily. A poet and friend Mosab Abu Tohar, a Palestinian poet and writer, was recently abducted by the Israeli Defence force for no apparent reason. He was badly beaten and when released admitted to hospital for urgent treatment. Is it HAMAS they are fighting or poets, women, children and the disabled? It is indiscriminate and that's a fact. Our government is complicit in this.
Thank you all again,

Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Thu 30th Nov 2023 16:01

Than you Keith.
As with your poem, I increasingly find myself close to tears when viewing certain news items; for the sake of my sanity, I need to take a break from it all.
Over mother nature, we have little command, but I will not tolerate man-made horrors permitted or committed in my name -or in God's name by arrogant tyrants.

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Wed 29th Nov 2023 17:17

Fantastic writing Keith. A gripping (and inspired) way to approach this subject.

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Graham Sherwood

Wed 29th Nov 2023 08:34

I thought this was a synopsis of BBC News at 10. You paint a very bleak picture here Keith with just the slightest hint of salvation. All too typical in these troubled times.

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Stephen Gospage

Wed 29th Nov 2023 08:20

An atmospheric and disturbing poem, Keith, with a hopeful note at the end. Thank you.

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