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The Secret In The Last Box

Life! That joke-
the man is a voodoo doll
everywhere pin pricks 
disfigure the days
with upset and aggravation 
with calamity and irritation 
frustration disappointment despair

odd to be metamorhic
after both carrot and stick
shrivel and drop
whence came my achievement
now it's over and I'm not yet dead
another funeral negotiated
and I'm moving on
this my achievement

greasy poles cut down to size 
not on the fast but the right track
and the best lines are not the finishing ones
you have to be in it (jail)
to win it (freedom)
well, good luck with that
I go this way, cheerio
one wheel on my wagon you might say
and I can say after all
no longer trapped in the spider's web
the world
Life Is Good



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