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Alone Again

Why is it always like this? 

Why do I so often find myself alone in a crowd?

Looking this way

That way

But never finding anyone to embrace

Or to catch up with

Or to just say hello

It has to be something wrong with me right?

This can't just be coincidence 

It happens too much

And each time it hurts the same

If not more


◄ Quiet Flower

If I Wake Up With You Beside me ►


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Wed 6th Dec 2023 00:02

Thanks Tim and Manish for you inputs! It makes me feel better that other people relate to this.

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Manish Singh Rajput

Tue 5th Dec 2023 17:16

I often find myself in a similar situation every time I go out or try to socialize. And like Tim has mentioned, I often think that something is really wrong with me. But looking at it positively, I guess that's one of the reasons for all of us to turn into poets. It's just my opinion, you can correct me if I'm wrong.😅
Thank you.

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Tim Higbee

Tue 5th Dec 2023 15:37

A lot of people feel lonely in a crowd. Your just being honest with yourself. The reality of crowds is that it's where loneliness goes to hide. It's a bubble for a costume party where everyone wears a mask and hides from themselves. It's after the bubble bursts and they have to take the mask off, back to reality. I avoid crowds and often wonder if something is wrong with me because I do. 😗

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