The speed of the sound of self-isolation
The sky is clear today with streaks of blue
the supermoon with all its lunar perigee
swirls in the sky reflecting sombre horizons;
Behind my back cumulus clouds mass
over the hills, conspiring in their usual
ragged silence. In front of me are dreary
trees laid bare, a mist of water in the air.
Streets deserted, folk driven inside by covid
I’m not yet caught cough, cough, coughing —
my habit in the cigarette-smoke-peasoupers
of the past, I pull my coat tighter, focus keenly
on the patterns of infinitude, half-perceived
and half-created, imposed upon these
far pavilions, by this over-active mind
of mine.
And all the time, the drag of
discontent whispers in mine inner-ear:
‘not here, nor there, not any fuckin where!’
….just another lockdown day,
I’m afraid, to say.