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The Forgotten Girl

Hidden in the dark

With vigilance strong and stark

She shields him from the unknown

Adhering to an undying vow sworn

To the stars and The Norns(the fates)

Paving a path pervaded with thorns


She had do it all again

Just to see his hazel eyes,

Crinkled with joy and laughter

And his infectious smile bestowed right after


For, she remembers the heart-wrenching pain

Of looking at his lifeless eyes while drenched in rain,

Her melancholic cries were heard

 by the Moirai(the fates)

He could be saved, she heard them say

But there was a terrible price to pay


All of their love and memories lost to him forever

Forgotten and remembered never,

For this was the price she paid

And thus he was saved



◄ We and the Adamant COVID

The Boy from My dreams ►


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Mon 11th Dec 2023 13:20

Thank you Martin, for reading my poem and for the positive feedback :)

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Martin Elder

Mon 11th Dec 2023 10:47

There is some great story telling here. Love it

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Mon 11th Dec 2023 04:18

Yeah, mythologies have always intrigued me, and knowing about them makes me feel closer to learning about people and their cultures. Thank you, Uilleam, for reading my poem :)

Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Sun 10th Dec 2023 11:18

Thank you Nila.
Such mythology is always fascinating, and continues to provide us with a way of understanding even today's world.

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Sun 10th Dec 2023 09:33

In this poem, the Norns are the Fates according to Norse Mythology and the Moirai are the Fates according to Greek Mythology, I just wanted to portray the power held by higher beings according to different mythologies. Even Gods like Odin and Zeus were nothing in front of the Gods who held the power of fate and destiny.

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