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a hijabi's struggle

The struggle of a hijabi is something that is not easy to understand. There are many misconceptions, stereotypes, and false perceptions associated with wearing a hijab. Often, individuals who do not understand the significance of hijab, deem it as a symbol of oppression and ignorance. This not only creates a false image of Muslim women but also creates barriers between people from different cultures and backgrounds. It is crucial to break these barriers and promote awareness so that everyone can get the right perspective on hijab.

First and foremost, it is important to understand that hijab is a command of Allah Almighty. It is not a symbol of oppression, but rather a symbol of obedience and modesty. Hijab is a covering for the head, and it has nothing to do with a woman's intelligence or capabilities. It is a way for women to express their faith and dedication to God. Moreover, the command of modesty and covering hair can be found in the scriptures of all Abrahamic religions, including Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. This shows that the concept of hijab is not limited to one religion, but rather a universal belief in maintaining modesty and preserving one's dignity.

Hijab also gives women the freedom from the obsession with beauty standards and cosmetic madness that has gripped society today. It is a sad reality that much of the youth is more focused on enhancing their outward appearance rather than building their character and intellect. This leads to a distorted value system where modesty is considered foolishness and displaying skin is seen as boldness. These values are then passed on to future generations, perpetuating a shallow and superficial society. In contrast, hijab promotes inner beauty and values, which can have a positive impact on society.

Furthermore, hijab offers protection to women from falling prey to perverted desires and attention-seeking tactics. In a society where 'love' is often confused with physical attraction, hijab serves as a shield for women. Those who genuinely want to express their love and commitment to a woman would come with a marriage proposal, rather than objectifying her for their own selfish desires. At the same time, hijab keeps street-side 'Romeos' at bay, preventing any unwanted attention or harassment. In this aspect, hijab empowers women and gives them control over who sees them and how they are perceived.

While many believe that wearing a hijab is time-consuming and requires a lot of effort, it is quite the opposite. It takes less time for a hijabi to get ready in the morning before college, work, or a party. With no need to fuss over hairdos, styling, coloring, or using fancy clips, hijabis have more time and energy to focus on other important tasks like studies, work assignments, and fulfilling social responsibilities. This not only saves time, but it also saves money that can be used for more valuable items of need instead of expensive beauty products.

In conclusion, a hijabi's struggle is not one that can be easily understood by those who do not wear a hijab. It is time to break the barriers and create awareness about the significance of hijab, so everyone can have a better understanding and perspective on this topic. It is essential to move past the misconceptions and stereotypes and promote acceptance and understanding of different cultures and beliefs. Only then can we create a society where everyone feels respected and valued regardless of their choices and beliefs.


◄ Fearlessness

Jannah or Dozkh ►


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Ghazala lari

Sun 7th Jan 2024 08:03

Thank you for your precious feedback.

Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Wed 3rd Jan 2024 12:57

Thanks for that enlightening piece Ghazala.
I was brought up in the Christian faith and much of what you have to say concerning modesty rings true. I remember as a boy in church, being being sternly told by the ladies to remove my cap-whereas they would keep their hair covered, as many Christians still do in parts of Europe.

The pretence of “defending women’s rights”, -concerning dress codes- is often an excuse used by the very same racists and politicians who would seek to remove our protections in UK and international "Human Rights" legislation.

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keith jeffries

Wed 3rd Jan 2024 12:27

A comprehensive and well written explanation of the hijab. I believe that we all have the right to wear what we consider appropriate to our beliefs and tastes. It is also necessary that we live in a society where the beliefs of others is respected. I salute you for this.
Thank you,

Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Wed 3rd Jan 2024 12:07

Compliance, Reggie's G?.
Just try walking down Whitehall in the bollocky buff and observe the reactions of Mr or Mrs Plod!

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Reggie's Ghost

Wed 3rd Jan 2024 10:19

Some very good points Ghazala, but I struggle with the argument that it is a woman's choice when Authorities in countries such as Iran are using violence against women to obtain compliance.

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Wed 3rd Jan 2024 09:45

Beautifully written and explained ,well done.

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