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Demons at play

Amidst the altered state,
Where thoughts and actions dissociate,
One may make decisions in a drunken haze,
That later bring regret and disarray.

The allure of intoxication,
Can lead to a loss of inhibition,
As demons take over and control the mind,
Leaving rational thinking far behind.

Darkness spreads, unhealthy and unwise,
Sabotaging all that was once built with pride,
in a sound state of mind, now in ruins,
the aftermath of one's actions, truly a bruising.

When the drugs take over,
Our brains are sent into a wild rover,
Unable to process any information,
Leading to a life of constant frustration.

But it's not just the substances that can deceive,
Others can manipulate and make you believe,
That under their control, all is well and fine,
But deep inside, something doesn't feel right.

For a rich man's child, it's easy to destroy,
Cunning ones know how to play with their toy,
With physical charm and intoxication,
They'll lead them down a path of destruction.

And even a poor man's child is not immune,
They'll lure them with promises too soon,
And then trap them in their clutches tight,
Using them to get their bidding right.

In a state of intoxication,
One's mind is prone to manipulation,
Making decisions that can't be reverted,
And causing damage that may never be averted.

◄ Spiteful

Mixed vibes ►


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