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The Burning Dawn

When the grip of our being obstinate clutches On the edge of a looming spiral. When escorting a change thrust A cluster of barbarous knives against us. We deal with this to accomplish A sense of pride in us, For what we usually ponder about, For what we usually act about, The Burning Dawn admires us.


When the solemn mind captivates one In showing what extremes it achieved, Just a look at that colossal ocean Inspires a different magnitude of aspiration in us, It leads to a proclamation of Burning Dawn, A tide of resolute resolve now.

When the seed of forbearance matures To forge a havoc in the structures Of society’s regulations. It all crumples with the thud of the roaring winds, The Burning Dawn enlightens the flames Of a new era that has now shattered The barriers of all all realms.



◄ The Human Dome


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