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Blocked within

In the depths of my heart, feelings reside,
Emotions locked away, where they hide,
He tries to storr them, keep them concealed,
But I can sense the truth that's revealed.

He believes I try to curb his care and love,
Turning my glances away, high above,
He thinks it's too late, this realization,
The end of what never had true foundation.

Regret fills his soul for the lies he told,
Fleeing from fears, a story he sold,
In the arms of comforting women, he sought solace,
But now he sees the flaws in his own promise.

Surrounded by women who love and care,
Mother, wife, sisters, all always there,
He believes he can adjust someone in need,
To shelter her, his close proximity must succeed.

Against his madness, family and friends unite,
They despise her, filling his heart with fright,
Not for her intentions or potential plunder,
But to instill shame and fear, tearing him asunder.

Does she care for him, he questions her devotion,
Every woman's motives lost in commotion,
He enjoys their bodies, their youthful hearts,
But a fear of discovery keeps them apart.

Repulsing those he meets, yet gently embracing,
Love of convenience, always enticing,
Striving and struggling isn't his way,
He prefers the ease, love's price to pay.

Weak, protected, timid, and shy,
His flaws he cannot deny,
Friends and family shield him from strife,
A knight in shining armor, he'll never strive.

For he lacks the strength to fight and defend,
Why waste his time, when love's at his command?
Surrounded by youth, flesh, and affection,
He sees no need for love's true connection.

But deep within, a longing resides,
For a love that transcends, one that abides,
To break free from the chains of convenience,
And find a love that's true and intense.


◄ Twisted minds

Ph.D 🤪 ►


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Tue 16th Jul 2024 13:09

family and friends unite,
They despise her, filling his heart with fright,
Not for her intentions or potential plunder,
But to instill shame and fear, tearing him asunder.


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