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You can spot the signs:

They talk of ‘hard-earned cash’,

And ‘putting our people first.’

We know what’s coming next:

‘Yes, the invasion was wrong,

But do we really….?’

Or, ‘why can’t they get together

And sort the whole thing out?’

Fatuous bewilderment

Is hardly an excuse.

It is so damned easy to say:

‘We expected some light

At the end of the tunnel’

When you don’t live in the tunnel.


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Stephen Gospage

Tue 16th Jan 2024 07:52

Thanks to RG and Uilleam for commenting. Yes, it was a poem about the weakening of support for Ukraine, although I've come to realise that poems can mean anything we want them to mean.

And thanks to Nigel, Jordyn, Stephen A, Holden, Steve, K Lynn, Manish, RA, Tim, John, Nila and Carlton for their support.

Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Mon 15th Jan 2024 13:23

RG'. Whatever the conflict, it's invariably about "class war".
As we say in these parts: "Them uz 'ave, will 'ave; them uz don't, won't!

Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Mon 15th Jan 2024 09:05

In the words of the refrain of the old song titled “She Was Poor but She Was Honest”:

“It's the same the whole world over,
It's the poor what gets the blame,
It's the rich what gets the pleasure,
Isn't it a blooming shame?”

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Reggie's Ghost

Mon 15th Jan 2024 07:42

This is about the West losing interest in the Ukraine war I think., which is exactly what Putin is banking on.

Not about class war, or maybe Uilliam is right.

Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Sun 14th Jan 2024 20:00

Ah yes, "our people".
For 13 years, our people, the UK's little people have been put last. Now those reponsible want to divide us with hate and envy to distract from their misdeeds....time for another war, that'll show their plastic patriot admirers how much they care for us...Yemen anyone? Argentina's such old hat!

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