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Yin and Yang

In the depths of his soul, an emotional roller coaster,
He sat, anticipating a ride filled with fun.
Little did he know, his heart would race and head would spin,
As others around him were emotionally undone.

But as the twists and turns took hold of his mind,
He realized the truth he once failed to see:
A peaceful life, devoid of heartbreak's grind,
Was far more precious than a thrilling spree.

His games came to an end, his thinking mature,
Now, his decisions were his own to make.
No longer seeking thrills, he found a cure,
And in his heart, happiness began to awake.

She, too, was questioned, her every move analyzed,
From her loyalty to her mindset's design.
Yet, she acknowledged the facts and kept her silence,
For in her speech, deeper issues would shine.

In her silence, a complex situation rests,
Allowing time to reveal her intentions and grace.
Unfolding like a tapestry, her truth manifests,
As she navigates life's challenges at her own pace.

Uncertain about his feelings, he hesitated,
Afraid of the accountability it would bring.
Yet, he longed to embrace life's blessings unabated,
Grasping at luxuries, like a bird on the wing.

But his unsure steps created a tangled path,
Leaving him entangled in difficult situations.
Still, he yearned for a love that would last,
A connection that defied virtual limitations.

She, ever present, on pages and screens,
Her visibility demanded by the world's decree.
But where would she be, if not here, it seems,
Bound to the digital realm, where she's meant to be.

Yearning for a virtual hand to hold,
Virtual kisses, a sense of intimacy.
He sought a connection, a love he could behold,
Though it remained confined to a screen's proximity.

And she, a woman of dreams and reality,
Translating imagination into words and deeds.
Longing for a harmonious, realistic relationship,
Of flesh, blood, and bones, where love truly leads.

Though she may be present in the online domain,
Her heart yearns for an offline life's embrace.
Thrilling, life-giving, with excitement untamed,
Where love flourishes and brings a smile to her face.

In the expanse of emotions, they reside,
On their own journeys, seeking love and truth.
Through the ups and downs, they'll surely stride,
Finding solace in the moments of life's fruitful youth.


◄ Reconstructing

Coalesce ►


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