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A Town Without a Book Shop


Unfortunately I accidentaly deleted this earlier. My apologies to those I was conversing with on it. My thanks to those who commented and liked previously and apologies for it taking up a new position on recent postings.


What's a town without a Bookshop?


With its


Its Churches,

One Stop

Mental Health



Its Hotel’d refugees,

Its Iceland

Buy One


Piss Off



Don't crowd the door

with your Dog,

It's not your floor

your bed,




A Thousand stories

On the street

their book deals

scoffed at incomplete,

turn the page

repeat, repeat


What's a town without a Bookshop?


Its heart

Its hope

Its gots and not gots

Its noose tied Rope.

Outcast people passing on

Turn the page, they're gone

Just gone.




Habitat ►


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David RL Moore

Fri 9th Feb 2024 08:34

Thanks Uilleam,

I appreciate you checking back in and your comments.

Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Fri 9th Feb 2024 08:18

Glad to see you got your post back; shame about loosing the threads of our conversations.
What's a town without a Bookshop?
I'd qualify my original answer with the following:

Less civilised…because I think the arts in general, poetry etc, serve as both mirrors and windows through which we view the world becoming (hopefully) more in touch with our collective and individual “higher” natures, our better mental health?

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