If Ever I Fall
A re-post 'cause it's one of 'The Wifey's' favourite
And it is valentines, apparently...
If ever I fall will you catch me
And sing me a sweet lullaby?
To stitch up my heart when it's broken
For, I've never been good at goodbyes
Would you weave me a story of wonder
To light up my mind when it's cold?
And chase all the darkness & thunder
From the emptiness of my soul?
If ever I fall
Would you pick me up in your arms
And take me back home?
If ever I fall, will you leave me a trail
So if I get lost I could follow?
Where every small step brings me closer to you
And my heart wouldn't feel so hollow
Would you give me your breath
If I gave up on mine?
Would our hearts & our souls
and our lungs intertwine?
If ever I fall,
Would you pick me up in your arms
And take me back home?
And would time itself
Be our enemy or friend?
Would we laugh or cry
Right up to the end?
Would our dreams be lost
Or our hopes fade away?
Would the dusk be the end
Or the dawn, a new day?
Would you hold me forever
Or is forever too long?
Would you fade into twilight
And forever be gone?
If Ever I Fall...
Would you pick me up in your arms
And take me back home?
Stephen Atkinson
Thu 15th Feb 2024 22:25
Yes, John, my words are cheap 😄 And, I think she would have preferred flowers...
Thanks, as always, for commenting
And for the likes Tom, Stephen, purplemoon, Holden & Manish. 🌷