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Tea Cards

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In the dark age before Wikipedia

Brooke Bond tea cards dished the data

in a week-by-week drip feed

of bet-you-didn’t-know-that facts.

You could buy an album for sixpence

or snap an elastic band around them –

pocket-friendly, dependable,

your own bright almanac.


But couldn’t your family drink more tea?

– your mother refusing, stubbornly,

to open the packets until she was ready.

On the brink of closure

the sets might suddenly change.

A dab or a stickleback short

in shoals of British Freshwater Fish,

how you lamented the ones that got away!


At least you knew your duplicates

were as good as cash in hand,

a bankable hoard to trade

in the playground. Assuming a poker face,

you could do straight swaps

or keep a mate dangling

until he delivered the goods –

some vintage card he’d got from his dad.


The hours you spent refining skills

at Knocksy-down and Topsy

were the best shot you had at the jackpot.

Does anyone living remember the rules?

One by one you’d pick them up

if you landed on them. 

With a neat flick you’d cop the lot

once you had clipped the last card standing.







◄ St James Primary, Reading

Selmer ►


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Stephen Gospage

Mon 19th Feb 2024 11:04

Thank you, David. A fun trip down memory lane.

Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Sun 18th Feb 2024 19:57

Ah yes, thanks for that Graham.

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Graham Sherwood

Sun 18th Feb 2024 15:01

Uilleam, the submarines were from Kelloggs! and highly prized. Many years later I befriended a Kelloggs rep who gave me a bag full of the things from his garage!!

David, did your mum iron the green Brooke Bond tea packet paper so you could draw on it? Happy carefree days!

Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Sun 18th Feb 2024 13:41

Thanks David.
I seem to remember collecting the planets-or was it dinosaurs? and submarines that you could put a dob of bicarb of soda in to make them float and sink.

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