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The Body is the property of The State

in a cold room

in a draw


The owner is the property of no-one


yet still here


The drag marks in the snow

are covered

and will go


Arrogance wears a suit and smile

but only for

a little while


Flowers strewn, arrests are made

blooms in the gutter

A Fascist parade


The State is the property of The Body

and the Body

Submits to Nobody



◄ Die Träume "The Zone of Interest"

On The Ner River ►


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Reggie's Ghost

Mon 19th Feb 2024 21:22

WOL has been unusually quiet on the subject of Navalny's death.

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David RL Moore

Mon 19th Feb 2024 19:43

I have responded to your post privately Graham. I feel that is an appropriate avenue to pursue at this juncture.

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Graham Sherwood

Mon 19th Feb 2024 18:38

brave and getting braver?

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David RL Moore

Mon 19th Feb 2024 10:05

Thank you for the comments and likes.

These days I am inclined (not always) to refrain from naming people or the specific events which are the subjects of my scribbles. I had that in mind when I wrote this scrawl. I find naming events and people often detracts from the subject matter at the heart of the topic, people get hung up on characters and geography instead of focussing on deliberate actions and their possible reasons. It's not a problem if people do, we interpret things in our own way and that is healthy (mostly).

I am unsure if in my attempt at subtelty whether I over-egged it in this case. To be honest I didn't think the piece at all subtle, merely unspecific.

Part of the definition of the word "Disinterred" means "To bring from obscurity into view"

This piece of writing was a reference to the demise of Alexei Anatolyevich Navalny whilst imprisoned by The Russian State. It is my belief that his likely murder has somewhat magnified his case on the world stage and brought it more clearly into view from obscurity. Whether or not that makes any difference internationally is another matter. I do though think that it will maintain and give weight to the momentum of those seeking change domestically within Russia. I suspect his murder (for I believe it was) was a message to a specific individual or to a group for a specific reason, I do not believe Putin does anything without calculated reason. The reason may have been extremely specific or broadly general but Putin would have seen it as necessary at this specific moment. I hope it will hinder his leadership rather than help.

The importance and significance of a human body after death is something I have knowledge of, its treatment and status can have huge relevance politically. I have unfortunately been involved with the repatriation of bodies from hostile States. On almost every occasion the bodies have been interfered with by use of Formaldehyde and an in country independent autopsy refused. The host nation claiming it was done to afford preservation and expedite repatriation. In effect it negates any purpose of additional autopsy which might disclose cause of death should it not be readily apparent. Enough of that.

The poem is meant to highlight where the power of the State truly lies and where it should lie.

Navalny's corpse is the vessel in which there is a seed of Russian change. Irrespective of what the State wish to do with it. However they abuse it and his family they have removed it from a place of obscurity into sharper focus.

It will be a long road but this part of the journey will be remembered.

I would not be suprised if The State refuse to surrender the body and possibly dispose of it. It is likely that Putin may not even permit its burial within Russia. He understands power.

And this is just a scribbled thought which will have no bearing on any of the above.

Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Sun 18th Feb 2024 13:36

Thanks Carlton.
Arrogance struts everywhere.

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keith jeffries

Sun 18th Feb 2024 12:27

The fourth stanza spoke to me as the mighty always fall. A poem of sadness but covered with an awful reality.
Thank you for this,

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