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Hell's cul de sac

Hell's cul de sac


In hell's cul de sac there is no turning back,

as we become pawns on a chess board of white and black.

The thunderous sky sheds no rain,

with relentless attacks to drive us insane.

We live in a concrete cemetry with the unburied,

as we are clad in rags which are sullied.

Those we loved and cherished now have no tomorrow,

hungry and weary I no longer bother.

We shuffle around with no where to march,

perhaps my future in this place is a farce.

We live in a cage like docile animals,

without food we might become cannibals.

Surrounded by barbed wire and the sea,

there is no opening for us to be free.

As the world sits in comfort, 

uncaringly curious about our peril in a desert.

Damn I cry aloud against this injustice,

our homes have long gone and we are penniless.

My only consolation is this wilderness of chaos

is that God above sees all that ails us.


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Stephen Gospage

Tue 20th Feb 2024 19:05

A powerful piece, Keith. The writing brings out the claustrophobic nature of this horrible situation.

Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Tue 20th Feb 2024 12:33

Thank you Keith.
A Hell's cul de sac created by the corruption cowardice and complicity of our temporal and so-called spiritual leaders, who preach comforting platitudes to us on Sunday mornings from the safety and comfort of their pulpits and rostrums, promising us "civilised" folks heaven, whilst trying to persuade us that there must be a good reason (perhaps it's God's will!) for bombs and bullets made in Britain to be blasting innocent babies and their families to bits.

No-it's not "a complicated conflict". Murder is murder whether it's carried out in the Holocaust or over the course of the seventy-five year long Nakba.

To paraphrase my heroine Clare Daly Irish MEP Dublin, addresssing the European Parliament:
“I don’t know if God will forgive you-I won’t”.

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