The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

Finley's Favorite Ball

Finley’s Favorite Ball

She has begged me, so here I am

Standing in the backyard holding a ball in my hand

It’s just an old discolored, lumpy, chewed up rubber ball

But it’s my black lab and golden retriever mix’s favorite brand

Eagerly she waits, watching me to see if I’m going to fake and stall

I cock my arm back and she’s off like a streak before I even throw

She runs in the general direction I was aimed and watches the sky

The ball drops ahead of her, and she grabs it while she’s on the go

She circles back to where I stand and is ready to give it another try

We continue the game of me throwing the ball and her retrieving

When she finally gets tired of the game, she decides to keep it

So, she stops to lay down and simply hang onto the thing

I sit down and watch her as she chews for a bit

Then lowers her head and lets it fall

Finley’s favorite ball


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Tim Higbee

Sun 3rd Mar 2024 17:10

Hi Stephan,
She can still get it in the air, but not as gracefully as she used to. She sure loves that old ball though. It's the only toy she hasn't destroyed. She is definitely spoiled!
Thank you.

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Stephen Gospage

Sun 3rd Mar 2024 08:45

This is beautiful, Tim, topped off with the ball-shape of the poem. Our bond with dogs is very special. Does she catch it in mid-air on the bounce sometimes? Our dog still does that, a bit more sedately than she used to.

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