I'm still here.
Sitting in an uber to the office is usually a very defective time for me...I often watch the vehicles passby and today like many other days it takes me back to where I have been and how far I've come to be right here ,right in this moment. What really moves me is the unbelievable reality ...I Am still here. Not just here..but here and good . With Allah's grace I have survived situations that at its worst should of break me...but I am still here.
I know I wouldnt have survived it without my Creator and of course my sister who I deeply love and My best friend who is my biggest cheerleader . I'm so grateful for them .for everyone in my love who I love and who love me. I'm even more grateful for those people who said I cudnt do it . It was those naysayers who pushed me to be better every day and here I am . I am still here.
I AM STILL HERE and I am so so goof..
Thank you to all .