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(It seems to be my lot in life to improve on the works of lesser poets than myself - in this case that loada bollocks by William Webb Ellis. A shameless repost from 2013)


I’m being followed by a wheelbarrow

Wheelbarrow, wheelbarrow.

Pulling my chickens in a wheelbarrow,

Wheelbarrow, wheelbarrow.


And if tha wond’rin’ “Is it red?”

Please thissen. I’ve not said.

And if you tha wond’rin’ “Is it red?”

Thou’ll have to imagine for thissen;

It’s all inside thi ‘ead.


I’m being followed….


And if tha thinks it’s got two wheels

Say, one that’s free and one that squeals,

And it tha thinks it’s got two wheels

It’s up to thissen to please thissen

And please thissen what tha feels.


I’m being followed…


And is it a slow un or else a quick un?

Depends on if it got some bricks in

And is it a slow un or else a quick un?

It’s certainly slower when it’s bricks in

But quickens if it’s just chickens.


Aye, t’builders bricks are heavy

But chickens ‘s dead light

T’bricks are sort o’ reddy

While t’chickens they are white.


I’m being followed by a wheelbarrow

Wheelbarrow, wheelbarrow.

Pulling my chickens in a wheelbarrow,

Wheelbarrow, wheelbarrow.





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John Coopey

Fri 15th Mar 2024 09:00

Thankyou, Leon and Greg. And for the Like, Holden.

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Greg Freeman

Thu 14th Mar 2024 20:20

It's still a good joke, JC, even if you have to explain it. Let's have some more pastiches of famous poems!

leon stolgard

Thu 14th Mar 2024 18:04

mmmmmm-think I prefer Yusufs original 😂 ( only pulling yer chain Johnny boy ) good laugh ta

hey but what a performance Mr Islam put on at Glasto" ACE!
keep taling the little blue tabs Mr C!

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John Coopey

Thu 14th Mar 2024 17:44

Indeed, David. There are a few posts on YouTube explaining what The Red Wheelbarrow means. But it strikes me that, like a joke, if you have to explain it it can’t be much good!

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John Coopey

Thu 14th Mar 2024 17:02

Sorry, Telboy. William Webb Ellis was the kid who “invented” rugby. As Graham points out it was William Carlos Williams who wrote The Red Wheelbarrow.

And thanks for the Likes, Stephen and David.

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David RL Moore

Thu 14th Mar 2024 16:55

I love that John,

I loved "Moonshadow" and the tune pulled me in.

I've checked out "The Red Wheelbarrow" by Williams, I guess the question might be why is the barrow red? that line reminds me of a recent Nick Cave line about turning "Chickens into fountains"

It may be the poem/song is meant as nonsense but we can interpret as we wish.

I once saw a Palestinian gentleman pulling a tortoise along the Via Dolorosa in Jerusalem in a wooden box with a rope. I followed him for a while unable to pluck up the courage to ask what on earth he was doing...I dread to think.

Thanks for the madness and the stirring of imagination.


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Graham Sherwood

Thu 14th Mar 2024 16:32


so much depends upon a red
wheel barrow

glazed with rain

beside the white

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Thu 14th Mar 2024 16:29

Extensive research carried out John...a full two minutes on google...but no sign of a WWE poem.

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