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the moon and the sun

you told me i’d only fail

laugh at my hopes and dreams

you act as if i’m frail

there’s often reoccurring themes 


you know i’m not dumb 

it’s just that you don’t care

so don’t ask me for gum

and don’t you give me that stare


i don’t know how we ever got along 

we’re opposites like the moon and the sun

you probably think you’re the moon, but i think that you’re wrong

you’re always changing like the moon, plus people think you’re so much fun


make fun of the tears on my cheeks

laugh at my nose turning red

all i can let out is a few squeaks

because i can barely get out of bed


you joke about my future funeral service

i try to explain that i sort of hope it’s soon

i can’t tell if you’re nervous 

you just fixate your eyes at your spoon


maybe you’re right with those phrases

maybe i do suck, but I’m done

but unlike you i don't horribly change as I’m going through phases

i just burn people, because I’m the sun



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