The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

Yesterday's Journeys

Your every breath

Left a trial on the path

As the moment to glow

A redness across

The bricks

Making us feel

Like you were a dragon

About to breath

Out a huge flame

As we ran down to the barge.


Your father it turned out

As we stepped down

The stairs to the seats

Until to run one of these

Back when you were a child

And you could always

Remember him

Walking up and down

On the riverbank

With a smile on his face.


Fading over time,

Yet etched in the heart's land

Decades lost

Gathered in the past

Memories gathered

In emotional treasure

Knocking silently on our hearts

Still walking half a pace ahead

A story forever untold

Beneath our feet.


◄ Not a love poem

Death 'From the 7th Seal' comes acalling (Version 1) ►


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